How to Speak in Tongues

How to speak in tongues is a journey that every Spirit-filled believer can embark upon. This divine gift, available to all Christians, opens doors to deeper spiritual communion, increased faith, divine encounters, and service in the Kingdom of God.

Whether you're just beginning to explore this spiritual gift or seeking to deepen your understanding, this guide will help you navigate the practical aspects of speaking in tongues while addressing common questions and concerns. Let's discover together how to embrace and activate this transformative gift of the Holy Spirit.

Understanding Speaking in Tongues: Your Divine Inheritance

Part 6 of 6 by Don Bell | ⏱️ 8 minute read

Concept Photo for How to Speak in TonguesDiscover How to Speak in Tongues Today
(Source: © Milosz/

Rest assured, the gift of tongues is available for every believer. When you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, you receive the fullness of the Spirit complete with ALL His gifts waiting to be activated. You don't just receive part of the Holy Spirit; He descends in His fullness.

You do not have to wait for the Holy Spirit to start speaking in tongues. The original followers of Christ, including Mary, the mother of Jesus, waited in obedience to the Lord's command. However, once the Holy Spirit had been poured out and utterance had been given on the Day of Pentecost, there is no evidence in Scripture that suggests anyone needed to wait again.

Each believer's journey with the Holy Spirit is unique. Some mightn't yet be experiencing the gift of tongues simply because they haven't fully understood how to embrace and activate this spiritual blessing, whereas others may choose not to activate it.

We all have reasons for not wanting to do something, and God never forces His gifts upon anyone. He respects our freewill and allows us to make our own choices. Ask for His help in making the right choices.

Now that we understand our divine inheritance, let's explore the powerful purpose behind this supernatural gift.

The Power and Purpose of Speaking in Tongues: From Reception to Action

By speaking in tongues, we can edify ourselves and increase our faith (1 Corinthians 14:4; Jude 1:20). We can also edify other believers and contribute to their spiritual growth when we're obedient to interpret the spoken tongue. Tongues can help us fulfill our calling in the Body of Christ and advance the Kingdom of God.

Ultimately, we have the choice to activate the gift of speaking in tongues or not. The supernatural abilities given to us by the Holy Spirit are powerful tools that benefit our spiritual growth and equip us for serving others.

To illustrate the importance of activating the gift of tongues, or any gift of the Holy Spirit, imagine receiving a valuable gift such as a genuine Rolex watch. If you choose to leave the gift unwrapped and unused on a closet shelf, hidden from sight, you have the gift, but you have not truly received it.

However, suppose you unwrap the gift and wear the Rolex on your wrist. Now, it's plain to see that you've received it, and by activating it, you can use it to tell others the time of day.

In a similar way, when believers are baptized in the Holy Spirit, they receive the gift of tongues, along with the other gifts of the Holy Spirit. Choosing to activate these gifts is crucial to fully receiving them, benefiting from them, and serving others.

The Supernatural Nature of Speaking in Tongues

Speaking in tongues is a supernatural ability that surpasses natural speech, and your first attempts may seem unusual and unfamiliar. Just like natural foreign languages, tongues can involve distinct sounds and syllables, sometimes leaving you wondering whether you are speaking a language at all.

It's essential to remember that heavenly languages are unknown to us. We're so accustomed to our mother language that we forget how odd foreign languages can sound.

Also, unknown tongues are supernatural and therefore confusing to our natural mind; that's normal. Our natural mind cannot begin to analyze the words and sounds of an unknown tongue and any attempt to analyze will end in doubt. It's as Paul says, "if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful" (1 Corinthians 14:14).

If you find your unknown tongue challenging to speak, take a step of faith and begin speaking in another tongue. The Holy Spirit has given us multiple tongues.

How to Speak in Tongues: Practical Steps

Speaking in tongues is seen by some as mysterious or intimidating, but it's actually meant to be a normal expression of the Holy Spirit's work within believers. While many desire specific instructions on how to speak in tongues, the manifestation of the gift flows from a supernatural connection with the Holy Spirit instead of from following prescribed steps.

Breaking Free from Religious Misconceptions

You can be filled with the Holy Spirit and start speaking in tongues anywhere, even in the privacy of your own home. There's no need for complex rituals, specific postures, tarrying (waiting), or special prayer meetings. While some believers have received the gift through the laying on of hands, most have not. Receiving this gift doesn't require shaking or babbling syllables in a highly emotional state.

Practical Steps to Begin Your Prayer Language

To begin speaking in tongues, follow these simple guidelines while maintaining faith that the Holy Spirit will guide you:

  • Start Simply:
    – Open your mouth, and start making the sounds of speech while moving your tongue
    – Use your normal tone of speaking voice
    – Allow sounds and syllables to form naturally
  • Let the Holy Spirit Lead:
    – Don't try to think up or plan the words
    – Allow the unknown words to form on your tongue as you speak
    – Trust the Holy Spirit will provide the language

Growing Confident in How to Speak in Tongues

Try not to pressure yourself or allow others to pressure you. While fellow believers are often eager to help others receive this gift, it's important to remember that each person's journey with the Holy Spirit is unique.

Some might suggest repeating a single word or sound to begin, but this is generally not helpful and can lead to getting stuck with a repetitive sound instead of tongues.

Initially, you might only speak a few words or phrases in the unknown tongue, but with practice, it will become easier, and you'll be able to pray fluently in the Spirit for longer periods of time.

It's not uncommon for some believers to require several attempts before becoming proficient, and some choose to practice alone out of earshot of others.

Above all, don't grow discouraged. Remember, speaking in tongues is a natural progression of your Kingdom journey. With patience and faith, you'll develop this gift.

Speaking in Tongues with Grace and Authenticity

When speaking in tongues, it is important to maintain your natural speaking tone and volume. You can add expression to your voice, but avoid going too far and sounding over emotional, shrill, or strange. Remember, you are always in control, and it's important to maintain authenticity when exercising spiritual gifts.

Don Bell

While attending an out-of-town Church conference, I witnessed a valuable lesson about authenticity in spiritual gifts. A believer, eager to exercise the gift of tongues, delivered a long message that seemed rehearsed instead of Spirit-led. His speaking was exaggerated and high-pitched, drawing undue attention, and no interpretation followed. While his enthusiasm had been admirable, his delivery demonstrated how our natural desire to participate can sometimes overshadow the Spirit's genuine work.

This experience taught me the beauty of allowing the Holy Spirit to work naturally through us. When we speak in tongues, it should flow as naturally as our mother tongue, without need for embellishment, or performance. The Holy Spirit's work is perfect in its simplicity, requiring only our willing participation and authentic expression.

This lesson strengthened my appreciation for the genuine manifestation of tongues, where believers speak naturally yet supernaturally, allowing the Holy Spirit to move through them without human elaboration. It's a reminder that God's gifts operate best through yielded vessels who trust His work without trying to enhance it.

Trust the Holy Spirit to provide you with the words, but also understand that He will never force you to speak in an unusual manner. You have complete control over your voice and manner of speaking.

While authenticity is crucial, learning from others' experiences can provide valuable insights for your own journey.

Personal Experiences: Everyone's Journey is Different

Personal experiences are varied when it comes to being filled with the Spirit and speaking in tongues, even in The New Testament records. Some Christian groups expect to see an instant fluency and much emotion, but that's not always the case. Expectations that are not based on Scripture can lead to disappointment.

Speaking in unknown tongues has no more to do with our emotions than speaking in our mother tongue has. We can speak in tongues and feel little or nothing. That's not to say we won't feel anything while speaking in tongues; however, emotion is NOT the evidence!

Don Bell

About half a dozen Spirit-filled believers surrounded me in the prayer room, laying hands upon me and praying fervently in tongues. Their passionate desire to help me receive this gift was evident, though I found the experience intense. After I had spoken a few syllables, they encouraged me with excitement: "That's it!" "That's the anointing!" "You're speaking in tongues!"

I strongly desired to speak in tongues, and I accepted by faith that I had spoken in tongues, although my initial experience was different from what I had expected. While I didn't feel the "anointing" that others claimed to be feeling, I was to learn that this was perfectly normal.

At home that evening, while processing the experience, I spent time in prayer and continued speaking syllables by faith. Within a few days, those initial strange-sounding syllables developed into sentences, and I gradually experienced a wonderful fluency.

After meeting with a seasoned spirit-filled believer and sharing the unknown words, his confirmation that I had indeed received the Holy Spirit's gift of tongues brought wonderful clarity and confidence.

While my initial experience had proven different from what I expected, it taught me that the Holy Spirit works uniquely with each believer. The absence of emotions didn't diminish the authenticity of the gift — it simply highlighted that God meets each of us where we are, in His perfect way.

Discovering how to speak in tongues is a deeply personal journey, uniquely crafted by the Holy Spirit for your spiritual growth and effectiveness in God's Kingdom. Whether you're just beginning to speak a few syllables or already experiencing fluent prayer in the Spirit, remember that this gift is meant to build up your faith and deepen your relationship with God.

Don't compare your experience to others — instead, embrace your personal path with confidence, knowing that the Holy Spirit is faithfully guiding you. As you continue to exercise this gift, you'll discover new depths in your prayer life and experience the supernatural empowerment that speaking in tongues brings to your spiritual walk.

Take that step of faith today, open your mouth, and allow the Holy Spirit to express Himself through you.

End of This 6-Part Series

If you missed it, Part 1: The Gift of Speaking in Tongues.

About the Author

Don Bell of Kingdom Anointing

Don Bell is the creator of the Kingdom Anointing website, and a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. He shares insights from his spiritual journey to encourage ordinary believers to seek God's Kingdom and lead extraordinary lives in the Holy Spirit.

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