The Gift of Speaking in Tongues

The gift of speaking in tongues opens a direct channel of communication between believers and God. This supernatural ability, one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, has transformed countless lives since its dramatic appearance at Pentecost.

Whether you're curious about this spiritual gift or seeking to deepen your understanding, this guide will explore its meaning, purpose, and practical application in the life of modern believers.

The Gift of Speaking in Tongues: A Believer's Guide

Part 1 of 6 by Don Bell | ⏱️ 7 minute read

The Gift of Speaking in Tongues Artistic RepresentationThe Gift of Speaking in Unknown Tongues
(Source: ©

Exactly what is the gift of tongues? Here's my definition of this extraordinary gift of the Holy Spirit:

The gift of speaking in tongues is the God-given ability to speak at will in heavenly languages without having studied them and without having a natural understanding of the words being spoken.

The Languages of Heaven: Understanding Spiritual Tongues

It's important to note that whenever The New Testament makes a reference to speaking or praying in "tongues," it refers to speaking in different languages. These languages are structured, fluent, supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit.

When Paul says, "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels …" (1 Corinthians 13:1), he's indicating that speaking in tongues involves heavenly languages that he had not learned through conventional means. The Greek word γλῶσσα (glōssa) translated as tongues means by implication, languages or glossolalia.

Common Myths About Speaking in Tongues Debunked

It's important to make clear what the gift of tongues isn't.

  • It is NOT a natural ability to speak and understand learned languages.
  • It is NOT speaking gibberish or making strange, repetitive noises.
  • It is NOT the product of our human intellect or emotionalism.
  • It is NOT a forced demonic counterfeit tongue.
  • It is NOT a separate gift from praying in tongues.
  • It is NOT speaking in one inspired tongue; it's speaking in multiple tongues.
  • It is NOT a lesser gift by any means or definition.
  • It is NOT the only evidence of the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

Clearing up misconceptions and gaining a good understanding of the gift of tongues helps you to use the gift effectively. You'll be able to edify yourself by communicating with God in your heavenly languages at any time.

You'll also be able to edify other believers in the Church by confidently delivering an inspired message in an unknown tongue that you can then interpret using the gift of interpretation of tongues.

The Biblical Foundation of Speaking in Tongues

Paul the Apostle was known to be fluent in several languages. He was raised speaking Koine Greek in Tarsus where Greek Culture and learning were prominent. He later studied the Hebrew Scriptures in Jerusalem under Gamaliel the Elder, and he would have spoken Aramaic while in Palestine and regions to the east.

Therefore, whenever Paul had spoken in tongues, he was not speaking in the languages he had learned, but in supernatural tongues inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Paul explains, "For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries" (1 Corinthians 14:2); also, "For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful" (1 Corinthians 14:14).

When you speak in tongues, your mind cannot grasp the meaning of the sounds, syllables, and words that are said. You can have no understanding of a language that you've never learned or heard spoken before.

Speaking in unknown tongues requires an act of faith, and it cannot be compared to learning a natural language. Tongues bypass the understanding of the mind and to the uninitiated ear can sound similar to foreign languages.

Don Bell of Kingdom Anointing

During mission trips to St. Petersburg, Russia, my wife and I had to rely on our translator Irina during the day, but in the evenings we were on our own at the Hotel Oktiabrskaya and while discovering eating places along Nevsky Prospekt.

We had learned a few Russian phrases beforehand, but we were noway fluent and struggled to understand the Russian spoken by hotel and restaurant staff. They effortlessly understood their language because of their familiarity with it, but to us, it sounded like gibberish.

That's why some well-meaning people have dismissed the gift of speaking in tongues as simply gibberish, saying it's just made-up sounds. However, any natural language can also sound like gibberish if you're totally unfamiliar with it.

What's more, we're not just given one tongue but many tongues. Paul says, "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels … (1 Corinthians 13:1). With an estimated 7,168 human tongues being spoken on Earth,1 you can only imagine the multitude of angelic tongues spoken in the Kingdom of Heaven!

How Speaking in Tongues Works: A Simple Guide

The following drawing illustrates my understanding of what happens when you step out in faith and supernaturally speak in an unknown tongue.

Speaking in Tongues IllustrationThe Process of Speaking in Unknown Tongues
© 2023

When a believer speaks in an unknown tongue, the Holy Spirit communicates with their spirit, which in turn instructs their brain to speak words of an unknown spiritual language, as the Holy Spirit supplies them.

This spiritual language is one the person has never heard before, so their mind has no understanding of the words being formed on their tongue. Similarly, listeners also have no understanding of the words being spoken because it's a spiritual language they have not heard before either.

The words spoken in tongues are intended for God's understanding alone. They are called "mysteries" by Paul. The one speaking in an unknown tongue is not meant to understand the words being spoken, just as no one else is meant to understand them.

The gift of speaking in tongues offers a form of private communication between the individual and God. You could call it a direct line!

Baptism With the Spirit and Speaking in Tongues

While speaking in tongues offers immediate evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it should NOT be considered the ONLY evidence.

Don Bell of Kingdom-Anointing

My Christian friend received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and served as the president of our local chapter of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (FGBMFI) for many years. Although he did not manifest the gift of tongues, he clearly displayed a deep love for his Saviour, and he became proficient in other gifts of the Holy Spirit, particularly the gift of a word of knowledge.

Being a mechanic by trade, he gained a reputation for being successful at repairing broken-down trucks that other mechanics had given up on. It wasn't that he was a superior mechanic, though he excelled at his job.

His secret was that he prayed over the vehicles, and the Holy Spirit gave him insights through words of knowledge. He could envision exactly where the problem lay and the best way to repair it. And, surprisingly, he never spoke in tongues.

There are other "evidences" of being filled with the Holy Spirit, such as manifesting other gifts of the Spirit, manifesting the fruits of the Spirit, an increased boldness in declaring God's Word, a greater love for the things of God, and so on. However, the manifestation of tongues offers a clear and unmistakable evidence that should not be disregarded or downplayed.

Why Speaking in Tongues Matters Today

Paul says, "I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all" (1 Corinthians 14:18). This bold statement reveals Paul's reliance on the gift of tongues to build up his faith and sustain himself amid the sufferings he endures for the sake of the gospel.

He acknowledges that "The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God" (Romans 8:18–19).

Meanwhile, Satan sows seeds of unbelief and apathy concerning the gift of speaking in tongues to discourage its use among believers, because he fully understands the significance tongues has to build up the faith of believers and release God's power within the church.

God is waiting for the Body of Christ to mature in Christ, "from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love" (Ephesians 4:16).

Edified, mature believers walking confidently in the power of God's Spirit carry the potential to dismantle Satan's earthly kingdom, paving the way for the Kingdom of God.

An alive church strong in faith could fulfill Jesus' prophecy that "'this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come'" (Mark 24:14).

What readers are saying…

"I spent years reading books, going to conferences but nothing happened. I was at my last straw the other night and I just prayed and asked God for a picture that would explain the process [of speaking in tongues], and low and behold I clicked on your link and there was the picture I needed to understand the process.

"The words that I have spoken in my dreams are now spoken while I'm awake!!! Praise God for a picture and an explanation that a child can understand." —M., U.S.A.


1 "Languages of the World." SIL International, n.d., Web. 8 Feb. 2024.

Discover More in This 6-Part Series

Join me as we delve deeper into this fascinating spiritual gift. We'll explore how the Holy Spirit uses tongues to build faith, examine its three distinct manifestations, and tackle compelling questions like "Did Jesus speak in tongues?" Each article unveils new insights about this divine gift.

Begin your journey with Part 2…

Part 2: The Purpose of Speaking in Tongues

Part 3: Speaking in Tongues During Worship 

Part 4: How Are Tongues a Sign for Unbelievers?

Part 5: Did Jesus Speak in Tongues?

Part 6: How to Speak in Tongues

About the Author

Don Bell of Kingdom Anointing

Don Bell is the creator of the Kingdom Anointing website, and a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. He shares insights from his spiritual journey to encourage ordinary believers to seek God's Kingdom and lead extraordinary lives in the Holy Spirit.

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