The purpose of spiritual gifts extends far beyond personal edification. When Jesus had ascended to heaven, He equipped believers with the Holy Spirit's power — the same Spirit that empowered His earthly ministry.
Through nine distinct spiritual gifts, we're enabled to demonstrate God's supernatural power, advance His Kingdom, and transform lives. Let's explore how these gifts can revolutionize our churches, our Christian walk, and impact our world for Christ.
Part 4 of 9 by Don Bell | ⏱️ 14 minute read
When a loved one is relocating to another country, we carefully consider their last words and instructions when bidding them goodbye. So, let's consider the last words and instructions spoken by Jesus to His followers, moments before His ascension into Heaven.
Jesus commands, "'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover'" (Mark 16:15–18).
Mark records, "So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the ACCOMPANYING SIGNS. Amen" (Mark 16:19–20, emphasis added).
Jesus promised his followers that supernatural signs would follow those who believe, so in His Name they shared the good news of Jesus' purpose on Earth to those around them, and the Lord confirmed the Word through accompanying signs.
One main purpose of spiritual gifts is to confirm the spoken Word with accompanying signs. What do signs do? They point people to Jesus, and Jesus is the entrance key to the Kingdom of God. But, can we still count on that happening today?
I had been invited to teach on the purpose of spiritual gifts at a Catholic Charismatic Retreat Center. Since I am not a teacher by profession, I've never found it easy being in front looking at the faces, and as I shared about spiritual gifts, I trusted the Holy Spirit to minister through me despite my nervousness.
At one point, I found myself saying to the group, "If the Holy Spirit gives you a word of knowledge that someone has a painful back condition, then speak it out to build that person's faith, so they can receive a gift of healing for their back."
My session ended with no response other than the sound of Bibles closing and the occasional cough, and I wondered whether my teaching on the gifts of the Spirit had been accepted since it was a new topic to some members of the group, and I'm not a Roman Catholic.
I stood quietly in the large kitchen and helped myself to a cup of hot coffee as people stood nearby chatting about the recent spate of cold weather and local happenings in the township. Not a word about the teaching.
Suddenly, my ears picked up a conversation between an older man and several others, including the parish priest. "Now here's a funny thing," said the older man. "Did you hear what that man said about a sore back and a gift of healing?"
Okay, I'm in trouble now, I thought.
Several nodded thoughtfully but said nothing as the man continued, "Well, the instant he said that, I felt something like cool water running down my spine. I've had bad back pain for twenty years and now there's absolutely NO pain at all!"
Everyone rejoiced with him, and I rushed over to confirm what I had just heard and asked him to share his testimony with the group to increase their faith. And, I thanked God for "confirming His Word through the accompanying signs" (Mark 16:20).
Yes, you can rest assured that Jesus still works with us to confirm the Word with signs following. Otherwise, He would not have said, "'And these signs will follow those who believe …'" (Mark 16:17).
The key word is BELIEVE.
If you don't believe, and you don't exercise the gifts of the Spirit, there's unlikely to be any signs following you to confirm the Word.
Scripture says, "Then they said to Him, 'What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?' Jesus answered and said to them, 'This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent'" (John 6:28–29).
It's really that simple. BELIEVE in Jesus, exercise the gifts of the Spirit to DO the works of God, and EXPECT that supernatural signs WILL follow you.
This is the purpose of spiritual gifts; they produce signs and wonders that point to Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
There has always been a direct connection between signs and wonders and the Kingdom of God.
For instance, the Prophet Daniel reported how the evil King Nebuchadnezzar became convinced of God's supremacy after witnessing the miraculous deliverance of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego in the fiery furnace.
We read in Scripture the words of King Nebuchadnezzar, "How great are His SIGNS, and how mighty His WONDERS! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation" (Daniel 4:3, emphasis added).
Jesus didn't view Himself as a miracle worker. After all, individuals in The Old Testament had also performed miracles. However, whenever Jesus had performed miracles, He was proclaiming Himself the One through whom the promise of the Kingdom had come to pass.
Jesus says, "'But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you'" (Luke 11:20).
Jesus made it clear that He was performing miracles with the finger of God, the unmistakable power of the Holy Spirit, and that neither people nor devils could prevent it.
Moreover, He made the purpose of spiritual gifts clear. Miracles were a validating sign of the present reality of the Kingdom of God to those believing in Him, and of the future reality of the Kingdom when He would return to Earth and establish God's dominion at the end of this present age.
Jesus says to us, "'And as you go, preach, saying, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand." Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give'" (Matthew 10:7–8).
The Greek word κηρύσσω (kēryssō) means to preach, to publish, to proclaim openly something which has been done.
As we exercise the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit — the same Holy Spirit whom Jesus depended on — we can be confident that signs and wonders will follow us, so that the Name of Jesus will be lifted up, and the Kingdom of God will be proclaimed.
This is the purpose of spiritual gifts; they produce signs and wonders that point to Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
Scripture says, "And when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said to Him, 'Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?'" (Matthew 11:2–3).
Imprisoned by King Herod, John the Baptist sought assurance that his cousin Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah. What "works of Christ" do you think John expected to hear about? Was it large crowds, inspiring sermons, and enthusiastic responses — the "works of Christ" today's churches identify with success?
Instead, Jesus demonstrated the gifts of the Spirit while ministering to the people as John's disciples watched. He then told them to go back to John and report the supernatural works they had witnessed.
Scripture records Jesus' response: "'Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me'" (Matthew 11:4–6).
Everything comes down to natural versus supernatural, and God planned it that supernatural signs always capture people's attention and point them to Jesus and the Kingdom of God. That's the main purpose of spiritual gifts.
While many churches today focus primarily on traditional methods of ministry, there remains an extraordinary opportunity to experience more of God's supernatural power through the gifts of the Spirit. These gifts, when embraced, can dramatically enhance existing ministries and touch more lives than ever before.
Services carefully planned to stay within time limits and remain "decent and in order" may feel comfortable and familiar. However, when we make room for the Holy Spirit's supernatural manifestations, something remarkable happens — the Shekinah Glory of God can fill our gatherings, transforming them from predictable to powerful.
People in our communities are genuinely hungry and thirsty for spiritual truth. Many are choosing to remain home, searching elsewhere for life's deeper answers. By incorporating the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in their services, churches can offer the authentic encounters with God that seekers desire.
Signs and wonders burst into our comfortable world and confront us with the awesome evidence of God's Kingdom.
While ministry leaders diligently attend growth conferences and implement new strategies to enliven services, Samson's sobering lesson remains relevant today (Judges 16:20) — outward motions without the Holy Spirit's presence leave us powerless.
The evidence is clear. When the presence of God diminishes in our services, supernatural signs no longer confirm the spoken Word, and signs and wonders no longer follow the people in the pews.
Signs and wonders burst into our comfortable world and confront us with the awesome evidence of God's Kingdom. There's no need to choose between orderly worship services and the manifest presence of the Spirit — God designed them to work together.
The Shekinah glory of the Lord awaits churches ready to embrace His supernatural power with accompanying signs and wonders. That's the purpose of spiritual gifts. As believers step out in faith to exercise these gifts beyond the pews, we'll witness the Great Commission being fulfilled and the Kingdom of God advancing in unprecedented ways!
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own SPECIAL PEOPLE, zealous for good works (Titus 2:11–14, emphasis added).
What does it mean to be Jesus' own 'special people'? In Greek, "special" περιούσιος (periousios) means "peculiar" and "being beyond usual."
While Christians share many admirable qualities with people of other faiths — being loving, kind, generous in giving, and joyful in life — God has called us to something even more extraordinary.
Our distinction isn't meant to come from outward appearances or religious practices alone, but from demonstrating God's supernatural power through the gifts of the Spirit.
My wife and I once attended a Charismatic house church that grew increasingly legalistic before we left it. The leader suggested that the women and girls wear ankle-length skirts and dresses, never jeans, slacks, or shorts; no bright colors, no jewelry, no makeup, and no short hairstyles.
Is that what it means to be beyond usual, or peculiar? Hardly. We might look peculiar, but that's not what God had in mind.
Consider Jesus: His physical appearance wasn't what set Him apart when He walked the streets of Jerusalem. If it had been, The New Testament writers would have noted it. Rather, what made Him truly "beyond usual" was His supernatural ministry — performing miracles and speaking with accompanying signs and wonders.
This is our calling too. Jesus wants us to be "beyond usual" by doing the same works that He did through the gifts of the Spirit. When we operate in these gifts, we naturally stand out — not through outward appearance, but through genuine demonstrations of God's power that draw people to Him. That's the true purpose of spiritual gifts.
Are you doing the works that Jesus did? You can, by activating the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus says, "'Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it'" (John 14:12–14).
By using the words "most assuredly," Jesus strongly declared that if we believe in Him, we will do the SAME works that He did! So what were the "works" that Jesus was referring to?
Did He lead worship services, organize food banks for the hungry, hold fund raising events for charity, collect clothing for foreign missions, build housing for the homeless, or help to convene fellowship suppers?
We know from the Scriptures that Jesus cared for the hungry since He fed them, and it's inferred by Judas that funds from their common purse were sometimes given to the poor. Also, James, brother of Jesus writes, "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world" (James 1:27).
As followers of Christ, we should be doing good works as part of our faith and lifestyle, BUT, those are NOT the "works" that Jesus was referring to in John 14, verse 12.
Earlier, a woman had poured an expensive flask of perfume on Jesus' head at the house of Simon the leper, and some criticized her, saying that it should have been sold and the money gave to the poor.
But read what Jesus said: "'Let her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a good work for Me. For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good; but Me you do not have always'" (Mark 14:6–7).
While good works are vital expressions of our faith, Jesus also equipped us with spiritual gifts to demonstrate God's power. Both working together create a powerful testimony of God's love and presence. He demonstrated a ministry that was "beyond usual" with signs following, and He has made it possible for us to do the same.
Consider this:
Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus manifested the supernatural abilities (gifts) of the Spirit, so how could He expect us to do the SAME works without equipping us with the SAME abilities (gifts)?
Frankly, it's IMPOSSIBLE for us to do the works of Jesus without exercising the nine gifts! Don't worry, it will all become crystal clear once we dig deeper into the supporting Scriptures.
People have often wondered what Jesus meant by "greater works," and there are many opinions, and it's not something that we need to get sidetracked with.
However, I believe that He might have been prophesying about the multiplying effect of numerous believers exercising the nine gifts of the Spirit and pointing people to Himself and the Kingdom.
For instance, after Pentecost and the manifestation of tongues, about 3000 people were added to the original 120 who had met in the Upper Room (Acts 2:41).
And later, after Peter and John had healed the lame man at the temple, Peter shared the Word of God to the crowd that had gathered, and the Scriptures record that about 5000 men were added, and likely several thousand women as well (Acts 3:1–26; 4:1–4).
As we begin to realize the importance and purpose of spiritual gifts, it's no wonder the Early Church experienced exponential growth as a growing number of believers began to do the works of Jesus and the Lord added to the Church daily those who were being delivered from despair.
As redeemed believers, we are all called to do our part in advancing the Kingdom of God. We can exercise the gifts of the Spirit and do the works of Jesus in our family, in our neighborhood, in our workplace, and when we gather with other believers.
God in His wisdom has designed it so ordinary believers — that's us — can do extraordinary things and be His own "special" people.
Paul explains:
For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence (1 Corinthians 1:26–29).
Luke writes in Acts, "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. AND THEY REALIZED THAT THEY HAD BEEN WITH JESUS" (Acts 4:13 emphasis added).
Unlike today's non-biblical ministry requirements, Peter and John had NO university degrees, NO Bible college diplomas, and NO ordination papers, but just like us, they DID have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and they DID have the nine gifts of the Spirit, and signs and wonders followed them.
And what was the people's reaction? They marveled, and they realized that they had been with Jesus!
Seriously. As we consider the purpose of spiritual gifts, we need to ask ourselves this question: "Do people realize that we have been with Jesus?"
Part 5: How Did Jesus Perform Miracles?
In case you missed it, Part 1: Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Don Bell is the creator of the Kingdom Anointing website, and a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. He shares insights from his spiritual journey to encourage ordinary believers to seek God's Kingdom and lead extraordinary lives in the Holy Spirit.