The Gospel of the Kingdom: Experience God's Reign in Your Life

The Gospel of the Kingdom is a powerful message that can transform your life and deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ. This site aims to inspire and encourage believers seeking to strengthen their faith and those longing to believe there's more.

Embrace the Gospel of the Kingdom: Your Path to Spiritual Growth and Purpose

The Old City of Jerusalem as Viewed From From the Haas PremenadeThe Old City of Jerusalem From the Haas Promenade
Source: ©Don Bell

Many in today's world are searching for spirituality but are being turned off by religiosity. Far too many religious organizations focus on rules and traditions, failing to connect with people's spiritual needs, whereas the Christianity that's revealed in The New Testament is welcoming, life-changing, and powerful.

Jesus and His followers changed the world by advancing the Kingdom of God on earth, and you can too.

The Good News of the Kingdom

Scripture tells us, "Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, 'The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel'" (Mark 1:14, 15).

The Greek word μετανοέω (metanoeō) translated as repent means to reconsider, to begin to think differently. The good news is that we can turn from our past and experience God's reigning presence in our lives today!

Jesus says, "'The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and EVERYONE IS PRESSING INTO IT'" (Luke 16:16, emphasis added).

Let's also press in. Let's walk in the Kingdom as Jesus proclaimed it in His earthly ministry through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Revealing the Kingdom

Jesus promises, "'He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him'" (John 14:21). The Greek word ἐμφανίζω (emphanizō) translated as manifest means to declare plainly, to reveal and make known in the strongest sense.

We read in Matthew 4:23, "Jesus of Nazareth went about all Galilee, teaching in the synagogues, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people."

Jesus empowers His followers to continue His work of revealing the Kingdom, saying, "'MOST ASSUREDLY, I say to YOU, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father'" (John 14:12, emphasis added).

Would you like to pray and see people set free from sickness and bondage? You too can have faith for the impossible!

Access Keys to the Kingdom

I Am the Door Scripture Verse IllustrationJesus Is the Door, the Entrance to God's Kingdom
Source: ©Hriana/

Jesus is the DOOR to the KINGDOM, the King Himself. As His followers, we have access to the keys of the Kingdom. He says, "'Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven'" (Matthew 16:19).

By deepening your relationship with Jesus and walking in His authority, you can:

  • Access a more personal relationship with the Father
  • Break bondages holding you back
  • Experience God's anointing daily
  • Find your place in the Body of Christ
  • Undertake your role in God's Kingdom

The Nature of God's Kingdom

Paul reminds us, "The kingdom of God is … righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17). This Kingdom is not of this world, as Jesus clearly stated. He said that if it were, His followers would be protesting and fighting for His release (John 18:36).

The Kingdom is a spiritual reality that transforms our lives and empowers us to make a difference in our world away from people's secular politics and earthly institutions. Because it's both future and already present, by doing Jesus' works we declare, "The Kingdom of God has come near to you" (Luke 10:9b), as we witness lives reborn.

However, the Gospel of the Kingdom is about more than salvation and personal spiritual growth; it's a cosmic plan for redeeming all creation. This grand message reveals the greatness of God's love and His pursuit to reclaim and transform the world, inviting us as believers to participate and have our role in His unfolding Kingdom.

Equipped for Kingdom Work

As believers, we are equipped with special abilities known as gifts of the Holy Spirit. Paul writes, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:3, 4).

An Open BibleThe Eternal Word of God
Source: ©Designus/

I can still recall picking up our old family Bible when I was a young boy, and flipping randomly through its pages until it fell open to 1 Corinthians, chapter 12.

In total wonderment, I found myself reading about gifts of healing, the working of miracles, the discerning of evil spirits, prophecy, and people speaking in unknown tongues.

It was nothing like the children's Bible stories I knew. God's Kingdom was all so mysterious and captivating, and little did I realize that years later I would experience everything I was reading about.

These nine supernatural gifts enable us to carry out our mission to manifest the Gospel of the Kingdom and destroy the works of the devil (Romans 8:18-25). They also encourage our faith by unveiling our true spiritual identity in Christ, giving us a taste of the powers of the age to come (Hebrews 6:5).

Advancing God's Kingdom

Jesus prophesies, "'This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come'" (Matthew 24:14).

As ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), we are called by Him to reveal God's love and the good news of His Kingdom to a broken world until He returns.

To fulfill this calling, we must align our hearts and minds with the Father's will through praying in tongues and being obedient to Jesus' commandments. Jesus says, "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love" (John 15:10).

We receive empowerment for our Kingdom journey through the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, which equips us with special abilities, the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit are introduced in a series of easy-to-read articles, and there are additional articles to clearly explain the practical operation of each gift.

The information on this site is supported by the Scriptures, and I also share from my years of walking in the Spirit to provide you with practical examples and encouragement.

All articles are easily accessed in the TOP MENU, with more to be added as they become available.

Recent Articles

  1. How to Test Prophecy: Biblical Methods to Safeguard Your Faith

    Seeking guidance on how to test prophecy? This comprehensive article offers valuable insights and biblical wisdom to help you navigate spiritual utterances.

    Read More

  2. How to Interpret Tongues: Unlocking Holy Spirit's Messages

    Discover how to interpret tongues and deliver the Holy Spirit's messages. Gain confidence in exercising this extraordinary gift and deepen your faith today.

    Read More

  3. Discover the Purpose of Prophecy: God's Plan for Believers Today

    Explore the purpose of prophecy and its significance for today's believers. Learn how exercising prophetic gifts can strengthen your relationship with God.

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  4. How to Prophesy: Deliver God's Messages With Confidence

    Explore how to prophesy accurately God's messages to the church and to individuals when the Holy Spirit's prompts. Your prophecies can bless others.

    Read More

The Gospel of the Kingdom is not just a message to be heard, but a reality to be experienced and shared. As we seek first the Kingdom, we open ourselves to God's transforming power and become instruments of His love and grace in the world around us.

My prayer is that Kingdom Anointing™ will richly bless you, as we walk with Jesus in His glorious, living Kingdom.

Blessings in Christ,


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